The HEL is a family-sized school hosting every year 2,200 students and 250 teachers, who really care about their students. The college provides job-ready graduates for:
- Economics: Accounting, Executive Assistant, Public Relations, Administrative Sciences and Public Administration, Hotel Management and Nursing Home Management;
- Education: Preschool Teaching, Primary Teaching and Secondary Teaching;
- Paramedical: Speech Therapy and Orthoptics;
- Technical: Electronics, IT and Systems, Chemistry, Automobile and Alternative and Renewable Energies.
Interesting class projects and work placement opportunities are provided to our students together with learning up to 6 languages, which are taught according to each student’s level, with a focus on business language.
Liège is only a short train ride from Brussels, Maastricht or Aachen. Located in the heart of the city, close to shops, restaurants and pubs, our school is perfect to live your student life to the fullest.
This content is provided by the higher education institution.