Choose excellent quality higher education in Belgium!

Fancy an out-of-the-ordinary experience? Expanding your horizons through travel and meeting new people? Opening up your education and employment options, multiplying your achievements? Wait no longer! Come complete your higher education in French-speaking Belgium! Often referred to as the “Wallonia-Brussels Federation”, French-speaking Belgium is right at the heart of Europe and can offer excellent quality higher education. Diversified education for all your needs and desires, recognised the world over.

Higher education in Belgium: strongly international teaching

Higher education in French-speaking Belgium pursues multiple missions, all aimed at assuring the globalisation of institutions.

  • increasing student mobility;
  • creating European and international networks;
  • increasing collaborations in interuniversity doctoral schools;
  • creating joint Master’s and foreign language programmes;
  • inviting foreign professors;
  • organising international symposiums and summer schools;
  • creating ECTS credits as part of the Bologna Process;
  • etc.

The internationalisation of Belgian higher education in figures 

  • Every year, 21% of international students and 47% of foreign PhD students choose Belgium for their studies.
  • 68% of all Belgian (Wallonia-Brussels) scientific publications are co-published with foreign researchers.
  • More than 20% of all academic or scientific staff are of foreign origin.
  • Thousands of joint programmes have been developed, including “Erasmus Mundus” Master’s degrees and PhDs.
  • Numerous courses are delivered in English, Dutch, Spanish and German.

Find out all about the different higher education institutions French-speaking Belgium has to offer: 

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Its intense cultural life, its excellent health system, its easy access to a wide variety of sports activities and its high-performing public transport network are just some of the advantages that make French-speaking Belgium such a great place in the world to live.