Find out who you can contact across the globe to prepare your study stay in French-speaking Belgium!

Questions? Looking for help preparing your study stay in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation? Click on your country to find out who to contact. 

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Find out all about our international network for the organisation/spread of higher education in French-speaking Belgium

Wallonie-Bruxelles Campus can rely on a large international network to ensure it assists foreign students and pursues its goals in the best possible way. It comprises:

  • General Representatives:based abroad, who can ensure the diplomatic representation of French-speaking Belgium. Their mission is to spread knowledge and awareness, in their country, of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation in all its aspects, as well as to help those from Wallonia and Brussels to make the contact they need to succeed in their international projects.
  • Economic and commercial advisors (CEC): as economic specialists, the CEC are responsible for information, supervision and advice on this topic. The CECs also have a broader mission, however: the international representation of French-speaking Belgium. They can therefore be contacted for any information you may need on the possibility of completing a study stay or carrying out research in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

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Its intense cultural life, its excellent health system, its easy access to a wide variety of sports activities and its high-performing public transport network are just some of the advantages that make French-speaking Belgium such a great place in the world to live.