Head office
Rue du Midi 144
1000 Bruxelles
The prestigious history of the Academy (cf. history on the site) contributes to its notoriety.
But it is its current educational and artistic project, that is, its investment in the future, that is important to us above all in order to provide you with the tools and knowledge, both theoretical and practical, which guarantee your artistic and professional future.
It is now a higher education inserted in the European framework of "Bologna" but also in the European University Pole Wallonia-Brussels.
Our commitment is to respond to the challenges of contemporary creation and the research that it requires, while developing your uniqueness as much by the transmission of knowledge and practices as by sustained enquiry.
The diversity of our orientations and the cultural practices that they develop or preserve, the simultaneity of the reflection and the resultant practice, the encounters that it offers, are all part of this mission. Our investment on new technologies and the quality of our renovated buildings confirm our ambition.
This content is provided by the higher education institution.